Our smiles make the first impressions when we meet others. If a person suffers from missing teeth, their confidence drops and smiling goes by the wayside. Dental implants are the restorative tooth procedure that brings back your natural smile and gives you the security and comfort to step out again.
How Dental Implants Work
There are three distinct steps in installing dental implants:
The Fixture – This is the titanium screw that permanently attaches to your jawbone.
The Abutment – The connector that holds our new tooth or teeth securely in place. The abutment can only be removed or altered by a dental implant specialist.
The Crown – A porcelain-made cap that fits over the implant. This is the visible part of the implant that adds durability and security to the dental implant restoration process.
Let’s Talk About That Smile of Yours
When you are introduced to someone, what’s the first thing you see? Their face and their smile. A frown is a turnoff. It sends a negative messaging signal to our brains that tells us to avoid that person. A smile, on the other hand, is warm and inviting. A healthy white-toothed smile lets the person know on the receiving end that positive vibes are flowing freely and openly, and it’s an invitation to connect. Without flashing an attractive grin, we set ourselves up for other woes, such as lack of confidence, an inability to go out into public and meet people, work discomforts due to avoidance of interactions, and the list goes on.
Smiling is a genuine response in our everyday lives, and choosing dental implants is the next phase in achieving happiness if you currently have missing teeth . With the caring team of Dr. Seth Larson and Dr. Kelly Larson, a robust smile is simply a phone call away. Their professional staff is ready to restore your smile, guide you through the dental implant process, and help you regain your best self. Visit Larson Dental in Prescott Valley, AZ today!